Managing Flexible Work Arrangements

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Flexibilities with working (especially) remotely is a huge perk many employees look for. Since the rise of the WFH framework, many organizations have switched to working remotely. The working model allows an organization to hire from a pool of talent across the globe and offer them full-time, part-time job opportunities. 

But what is the best way to manage flexible work arrangements, you ask? This blog explores that in detail. 

Effective Management of Flexible Working Arrangements in Your Business:

  • Consider switching to a specific company policy to streamline and smoothen the performance of the overall employee structure.
  • Balance the flexibility being offered with the demand as possessed by organization operations and functions
  • Make sure that the employees are not overworked past their allocated work hours.
  • Keeping the platform open for everyone to apply
  • Making accessibility to training, promotions, and any other activity open for everyone to participate in
  • Giving more preference to employing performance output instead of stressing about completing desired work hours

Things to take into account when planning a flexible work policy:

Agreeing on the share of work responsibilities that have been clearly defined is an important part of defining work policies. The employer and the employee must agree on the same and be aware of the project deliverables. Establishing clear communication, keeping an encouraging communication network, and making use of available software tools to channel the work process is important. The chain of support between the management and the employee base is important for making sure all aspects of the policy are in compliance with welfare and development.

Other factors that are worth considering include:

  • The initial costs and additional management or administrative responsibilities
  • Efficient management of workload
  • The terms and conditions of employment
  • Leave policies
  • How the organization plans on meeting work health and safety requirements
  • Training courses and skill development courses to help employees stay relevant to how the organization works and its growth

Types of flexible working arrangements

  • Flexibility with working hours
  • Offering work from home opportunity
  • Part-time jobs
  • Special arrangements for differently-abled employees
  • Well-defined and rewarding working hours
  • Use of software tools to help employees manage projects
  • Keeping track of employee activity through activity monitoring systems

How to Make Flexible Work Arrangement Work

Flexibility in a job is a great virtue many employees look for. Here’s how your organization can be best at managing flexible work arrangements:

  • Define a common work window where the team catches up and discusses deliverables for the day
  • Make the most of team meetings by sending out the day’s agenda early, offering clarity on the actionable set of tasks, and being clear on what needs to be done & if you need help from anyone.
  • Know your employees as people beyond work by organizing small meet-ups frequently to discuss things out of work
  • Have a dedicated work operating system
  • Understand work and personal life boundaries and be respectful of the same

The benefits of flexible working:

  • You can hire/get hired from anywhere in the world
  • Higher employee retention rates as flexible working let them balance their priorities as well
  • Reduction in direct costs
  • Increased productivity as employees gets to work from the comfort of their zones.
  • Diverse teams
  • Enhanced work culture

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